
Kubernetes IDE - OpenLens


The Openlens Kubernetes IDE is the open-source code project under MIT license, from which Lens desktop originates as a branch. It is a development tool for Kubernetes environments and containerized projects. github repo here

Openlens startup ui openlen-1

Add your own k3s cluster, import your ~/.kube/config from your control plan openlen-2

You can add to Hotbar, and click the Workloads > Overviews to look at your cluster status openlen-3

After deploy the kube-prometheus-stack, you will see the chart. You can check the metrics of cluster in Lens. And you can check the issue. openlen-4

And you can check the Nodes tab, it seems to be kubectl get nodes in cli. openlen-5

You can edit the cluster, such as deploy, rs, svc…etc. It just like kubectl edit deploy my-deploy openlen-6

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